Saturday, July 23, 2011

Band recommendations?

This is all radio alternative rock. Just tune into your local alt rock station, unless you can handle the awesome cock rock of Guns 'n' Roses' Appetite For Destruction.

My live-in boyfriend takes money from my purse?

My boyfriend takes money from my wallet or purse often. He says he needed it for coffee or cigarettes (which he's supposte to have quit 3 years ago) I mean he would take $5 or $10 out my purse everyday if I had it in there. I have my own bank account so that where money is but don't we all like cash on hand for yardsales or whatnot? I've explained that its stealing when he does this but he says ill pay you back. And wheb he gets paid hell give me money back but still isn't it wrong or am I crazy? I mean last nite, I had enuff for my daughters daycare and to get milk. When I woke up I notice only enuff for daycare he had taken $5bucks. He did text n tell me hell have it back today or tmrw but I'm still mad. I needed it to buy milk for the household. He knew it so why did he take it? I mean should I just start takin money from his wallet or whatnot? Do u think he'd finally get the picture or...?

Would you play fill in the blanks, please?

Anybody who would willingly and regularly continue wearing clothes in public if public nudity were legalized is _______.

What's a crappy 2003-2008 "alternative" rock compilation album that I can get?

I took on the job of filling some computer-illiterate guy's I-Pod with music. I'll spare you the details, suffice it to say that I get money when the job's complete. He told me to fill it with music from "The X" the local "alternative" music station, but that's not really my scene, so I'm stumped. I need, in like one package stuff like Slipknot, Incubus, Tool, you know, that stuff. Does anybody know of a compilation that I can get that has that crap on it?

Best chewy, dog food for a picky chihuahua?

My chihuahua (she's about 9 months old now) is a very picky eater. We get her the Royal Canin dog food for chihuahuas aged 8 months & up but she doesn't willingly eat it, we have to tie her up for her to eat it but even then she only eats like half the bowl (we give her about 5 spoonfuls). Apparently it's for the most pickiest of chihuahuas but not mine! She appears to like chewy foods better because she loves her chewy treats. What are some good recommendations for her?

Can i really get in trouble?

aight so me and two friends decided to take whoppers (yummy) and eggs and this car drives by and we throw a whopper.the guys ran,i didnt cuz i thot id be fine,but he comes up,starts cussing at me,tries to take my pic,and then almost hit me and took my purse :/ well i called the cops reporting that he took it and they come up and then they found the guy,and they like "oh well u were throwing **** at the car so we're guna charge you for lying and destruction" i didnt even throw anything i just held it !but yeah can they actually do anything? ://

Legal age of consent?

I know that legal age of consent is 16 in Michigan, where I live, buy I was wondering if it is legal for me, a 15 year old, to have sex willingly, because I want to, with someone my age, or even someone 16 or 17?

Lesbians/Bisexuals: how long did it take for you to come out?

It took me a long time... i was nervous to tell my parents. i'm 13, but i've known who i was since i was 5. i just came out to my parents last night (they were fine with it), but i came out at school 1 year ago when i was 12. i've had a boyfriend (i'm a guy also) since then, because he came out the around the same time i did.

Can anyone recommend some good music for me?

You me at six, the midnight beast, a fine frenzy, eliza doolittle, lily allen, the noisettes, chipmunk, daisy dares you, black eyed peas, la roux, shontelle, i know some are mainstream but others are not which you may like, hope you listen to them x

Marie Claire July Issue page 48 HELPP?

In the back of the magazine, there should be an index of where you can purchase the products shown in the magazine.

Help?is there an incubus in my room?

I suggest that you go off any medication you are on if any remember Exorcism of Emily Rose it will make it so an exorcism if necessary will not help. Also you NEED to speak with your priest.Serioursly the sad thing is that supersensitives and people drawn to god can have this happen, its very sad, have you used a quiji board or anything along those lines that could have invited a demon in? You could have picked a demon up when you were somewhere like a hospital, cemetary, etc. they attach to supersensitives, i know a person who have personally had a ghost not of demonic power taken home with them from the nursing home i worked at, its not good, seek help hun, and god bless you!!!

Are Coach purses made in china?

I have 2 coach purses, 1 I bought at a coach store and the other one was a gift but it looks completely authentic, came in the big coach box with the tags and the panphlets, etc... but I noticed it says "made in china". I'm just wondering where they make them. Doesn't make a difference, I like both my purses. Just wondering. . . Thanks.

Incubus experience, I might be pregnant?

Okay so I had an incubus experience a few months ago and since then, my uterus has been expanding and my stomach has been getting bigger. My period is late, and when I put my hands on my stomach I can feel something moving inside me. Plus, my nipples hurt! Could I be pregnant by an Incubus? Fallen angel? Or could it be a mistaken pregnancy, where you go through the whole cycle but when the time is supposed to come for the babys birth nothing happens? Or when you go through contractions but a baby doesn't come?

Did i break my big toe?

So I had just came out of a store and my mom had bought me a coke. When she was loading up all of the groceries into the truck, she put her purse right next to my coke, which knocked over the coke. Then it fell onto by big toe. It hurt a lot for like a minute or two, and swelled up a little bit .It's been about a half hour and there is a little bit of swelling like a tiny bump but that's it. It also hurts, it throbs every once in a while and tingles, and feels kind of numb. I don't think it's broken or fractured but could it be?

Can anybody help me with some on/around ear headphone advice please?!?

Lady gaga heartbeats/ tokidoki earphones.(These have no plastic on the but are covered with a purPle or blue shoe string like material.

People who think being gay is a choice?

Why would anyone willingly choose to subject themselves to the homophobia of society today? What possible reasons are there to choose to be gay?

Blood test to detect pregnancy?

Ablood test will tell you if you are pregnant or not. Why not wait a few days and test again. maybe the hgc levels are still too low for a urine test to pick up.

Mellowish Music Suggestions...?

I'm looking for some new music to add to my library... I really like mellow music like Mumford & Sons and James Vincent McMorrow and my favourite band is Incubus. If anyone has any suggestions and music I might like it would be appreciated. Thank you :)

Dog training... PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!?

I need help with my dog, he seems to be a mix between a lab and a poodle, so hes pretty big.he loves his crate and will go into it willingly and he goes in it by himself sometimes without us even having to give the command 'crate up'. but when we go to close the door and lock the door, he goes ballistic and barks like crazy and snaps at us and gets a wild look in his eyes. Its really quite scary. we have tried many things to get him to calm down but he will not stop. also, he barks all of the time just when people are driving by the house or walking past it and he goes crazy when someone is at the door. i really need help, any type of assistance will be helpful, thank you.

My ex boyfriend is in the Army Guard reserve, and is now telling me he wants nothing to do with me or our baby?

The man is not married to you - he does not have to provide you with support, however, when your child is born and the paternity suit shows that he is the father, then the courts can award the child 18+ years of child support from the father. See a lawyer.

Is she possessed by the devil?

a friend of mine is working several jobs to support her family while the boyfriend pretends to look for work and quits job after job. after receiving unemployment for years, he is sitting at home smoking 2 packs a day and plays video games. my friend is a very smart women that no one can really take her for fool except this guy. is she possessed by the devil? she is willingly to let him take advantage. she looks like a complete fool or worse yet, a women possessed by the devil? what do you think? i feel helpless when she won't listen to me, she is ruining her own life and gets defensive when I comment on her situation. I just want a better like for her, if she is not willing to help herself then I guess no one can help her.

3 Week long period... Normal?

Glad that the bump is non cancerous! But a 2-3 week long period is not normal... True some of it might be from stress from moving. Of course this could jus be very dark and heavy discharge. If you are very concerned I would suggest seeing a doctor.

My friends pony won't go in water?

One thing that you can try is a trick developed by Clinton Anderson who uses this mostly on horses who refuse to trailer, but the same concept applies here as it does there. You want your horse to go somewhere, and they wont go. What you do is you move that pony's feet forwards, backwards, left and right when next to the river. Make being outside of the water a chore. Then when he is a little bit tired, try to get him to go into the water. If he takes a step into the water, let him stop and rest and get his breath back. Resting is a reward to him now! I suggest starting it by the stream where he can already cross. Work him beside the river, then let him rest when his feet are in the water. Eventually you can try it by the lake. Hope it helps :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

GIRLS>>>Should i ask my mom this?

Yeah , and don't be embarrassed . She had to do that , too when she was your age. We are all female. But yes , you should ask your mom that.

What's the best way to get rid of old purses?

Hi all. I have a bunch of different bags. Some that I got a few months ago for hundreds of dollars and some that are old and did not cost as much. They are all in OK to excellent condition. What is the best way to get rid of them/sell them? And by "best way" I mean less time and more money. Also, I have never used Ebay before or any of those sites you can sell stuff on so please suggest a how-to book or let me know how to use them. Thanks!

Just read a question, assuming its true?

someone asked away a question, assuming there is incubus or succubus coming to you at night, how do you get rid of it?

What would you call my music taste? Any reccomendations too?

Lose Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, Korn Etc. Considering you have progressive rock/metal bands that are in there, those crappy talentless bands do not belong with great talented musicians such as Opeth, Porcupine Tree, Tool, Coheed & Cambria, Etc. Look up more progressive rock/metal bands such as Dream Theater, Between The Buried And Me, Cynic,Devin Townsend, The Human Abstract, Gojira, Animals As Leaders, Mastodon, Nile, Nevermore, Epica, Protest The Hero, Redemption, Fates Warning, Rush, Scale The Summit, Strapping Young Lad, Sympnony X, Textures, Transatlantic, Etc. In my,100% biased, opinion progressive rock/progressive metal is the intelligent form of music. Go for it, and have fun. Especially if you have quite a bit of musical knowlegde.

Please give me bands that...?

you forgot shinedown,default,dishwalla,10 years,tool,alice in chains,blindside,tenth avenue north ,red,and be careful with the world "screamo",u might get troll in every question u ask and if u r asking a question make it look like that,and dont fake as an elitist

Mythological Creatures?

Please list any and all mythological creatures you can think of please! Anything from mermaids and faeries to Bean Sidhe and imps to unicorns and incubus! Thank you!

I have anxiety and depression, help ?

You are so overwhelmed! I get a lot of the same symptoms you have explained when I get panic attacks. You may want to talk to a doctor and try some anxiety/depression medicine or try talking to a counselor at school just to get all of this out . Most importantly you need to take care of yourself. Start doing some activities outdoors in the sunshine draw, meditate, walk.. whatever just do something to relieve some of the stress.

Afterlife (NDE, OBE) & Reincarnation VS Traditional Religions?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Ghosts, Purgatory, Reincarnation (Use IE, BING, MSN for best results)

Need advice in regards to bullying AND cyber-bullying ?

As far as cyber-bullying block those bitches. Don't worry about that. Real bullying , there is no controlling it. You can't fight with stupid. And that's what the bullies are is stupid. You can go to the police but I suggest not to unless it is life threatening, cause you will end up making things harder on yourself. The best advice I can give you is that it will get better one day. Maybe not anytime soon, but it will be. If you need to talk more you can visit my blog or e-mail me at and I could post some stuff on my blog about bullying. I hope things get better for you, I really do. :)

What is the name of the story?

I was reading a story today, I got off before I finished, and I can't remember how I found it. I remember exactly what the story was about, it was a Wincest story about a drunken Dean screwing Sam, having it dawned on him in the morning, they argue, Sam leaves, meets some dude named Kyle, who turns out to be a incubus. Okay, now go find it.

Can someone recommend me some good modern progressive rock bands?

I'm really into some prog bands like The Mars Volta, The Sounds of Animals Fighting. I also like Incubus, Interpol, As Tall As Lions, Muse, Mutemath, Circa Survive, Facing New York, and Thrice.

A question about male gynecologsist behind closed doors?

What I can't figure out is why the hell you care what a man thinks or feels, so long as he hasn't harmed you. Are you some kind of prostitute who expects to get paid for every look and every feel? If you don't like a doctor's methods, use a different doctor.

A question about condoms?

You shouldn't buy it. Guys can be different sizes. And you might buy a different size then the guy is that you would hook up with. And I don't think its slutty. Better safe, then sorry.

Would you go to a concert alone?And have you ever done it?

Yes I have done this , I went to see Tokio hotel alone , its not easy to get a boy to go and see them

Where can I find this purse?

I saw a purse on True Jackson VP (the remote was gone and it was stuck on nickelodeon okay?). It was the episode where Ryan starts his rash museum and True and Lulu try to get Mr.Maddigan and his wife to make up after they have a fight about how attractive theyre co-workers are. It was grayish blue with studs on it. Does anyone know where I could buy it?

Do you think this is crazy to do?

wow you just made that sound so creeepy. although i'm sure you're not and no its not crazy. it sounds like you just want the love of a girl/ young woman whatever you wanna call it. i don't think it means you lack the love of a mother figure... i mean, i too imagine a boy/man loving me or holding me like right before i fall asleep at night (i'm 17, girl, by the way), and not because i'm crazy. i just want someone to love me. normally though, i imagine holding someone whom i love whom i have lost. but still, no, you are not crazy. wanting to be loved and held is normal.

Anyone else think rock music sucks?

"most rock music is just too cheesy" ..Well that could possibly the most generalised, stereotyped comment I've ever heard. Ridiculous. Don't make such statements please, you are terribly ignorant.

Where is a good place to get purses?

Okay so I'm looking for a swing pack. (The ones with long straps to go across your body) but all the ones I find are super expensive. Where can I find discounted swing packs..? I really like the brands coach, harijuku, bettsy johnson, juicy couture & dso on but if you know of a site with really cute ones that aren't that brand still leave a comment!(: thanks in advance.

Can anyone identify this band?

I used to like some music by this band and while trying to look up some new music to put on my black berry i was trying to recall the name but can't. The name of the band is one word and i think shank or something like that is in the name. They remind me a lot of incubus but a little harder. Does anyone know what band I'm talking about?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I need a lot of harmless, but hilarious pranks?

Alright, so I work at a preschool, and me and this other preschool teacher have a friendly rivalry going on, where we prank each other. It is during the day, at the preschool, and I need some SUPER FUNNY pranks. So far i have, i put her purse in the fridge and put ketchup on the back of the fridge handle so when she opened it she got ketchup all over her hands, and one time i got a glass of water and a cup of glitter and went up the stairs over an edge so when she walked under it, I dumped it on her, when she came back from her break. Stuff like that. Not night time sleepver pranks, no dirty pranks, and no hurtful pranks. :)

Christians: Can you explain the difference between sacrifice and suicide to me?

Would you go to hell for sacrificing your life for another? What if it was in the name of religion? And I'm not referring to general martyrdom. What if you were in control of your life and gave it up willingly? Would that differ from suicide in anyway? I'm not trying to be offensive. Just curious. Would appreciate some answers.

Christianity and spanking kids?

Christianity aside, spanking teaches that children that improper behavior has adverse consequences, That is a lesson that every child must learn and have continually reinforced throughout their developmental years. It is not the right, but rather the responsibility, of all parents to teach their children that lesson among others.

I have a question about bring liquids and stuff on a plane????!!?

I'm going on vacation in 2 days and I wanted to know if my makeup has to be in the quart sized bag or can it been in my purse?

Where can I buy the Andy Warhol dollar bill duffel bag?

I would like to purchase this bag, and I was wondering where I could get it. It is a small duffel bag purse and looks like a dollar bill. Thanks

A question about male gynecologists behind closed doors?

Most gyno's have seen so many vaginas that it's really just old news to them. It's their job, they went to school to do this job, and it's a part of anatomy they're seen so many times. But yeah, there are some sick people out there, and they'll just get tired of seeing vaginas just like their collegues..

Incubus live in Manila - Online ticket reservation in Ticketnet?

Would you know how the online ticket reservation in TicketNet works? Will it ask for a payment right away or what?

I had a crazy dream last night?

I had a dream about my work.I work at mcdonalds as a swing manager.anyway my dream: so everyhour for work we have a goal to do more than 100 cars in an hour.well as me running the store I didn't succeed the 100 car count for the lunch hour.well the next day when my boss came in she seen the results and wasn't to happy.well she pulls a rattle snake out of her purse than she starts chasing me with through the store.then after she caught me finally she chopped the snake up and made me eat it.then she made run outside saying I love snakes while doing this she makes run nude with no clothes on.what does this dream mean?I get along with my boss very well

The guy I have sex with expects the sex to be like porn, how can I change this?

You're inexperienced, yet you're able to tell things by the way he has sex. I don't understand how the things he does makes him a pron addict. Doesn't make sense. It's called sexual experience, which you've already admitted you don't have. Maybe ten years from now, you'll be the same way...

People who work at the Box Office at a AMC theater?

I just got hired at the amc movie theater where I live around and I have training today, and the next two day for the box office. This is my first job and I just wanted to know any tips about working in the box office. Also not sounding crazy but woulf we have somewhere to put our stuff like sweaters and purses and what not? So any advice is helpful and thanks if you can help(:

Can a judge in texas order marriage counseling before granting a divorce?

the only way for you to find out is by asking a lawyer or you can try I think that is the website. anyway, he sounds very frustrated and is not being a mature about it. a baby is on the way and no man should ever put divorce on the table while a woman in pregnant. if he care for your unborn child he would wait for if the mother is stressed and hurt, that can hurt the baby. dont sress over him during the pregnancy, ignore him and focus on you and your kids. You DO however have to implement discipline on your kids. YOU are the parent, not the kids. You need to set rules, structure and order. THat is your job and you cannot say the kids are bad....they are kids and obviously something is not right if they are acting up. Put your foot down with them and focus on your pregnancy. If chooses to be a jerk, then let him until your baby is born. Your better than that.

Looking for new music to listen to.?

Try listening to my favorite band Brand New. specfically their album Deja Entendu. You might like it. It's not similar to nickelback at all!!!! but it can be similar to incubus in some songs. If you want something slow try the boy who blocked his own shot, if you want something like "pardon me" by incubus try sic transit gloria...glory fades. Give it a try you might like it

I don't have any GOOD do I find them? (a bit long but interesting, please read)?

im sure a lot of people have a lot of those qualities but u have to face the fact that no one will be who u want them to be. no offence but ur being kinda selfish, ty to accept ur friends for who they are ^_^

Which album is the best by each of these bands!?

Not qualified to answer for some of these but I can say, hands down, that the best album by Kings of Leon is an older one called 'Aha Shake Heartbreak', it's so freakin good and puts their new stuff to shame.

Can i really forget him?

I met this guy 3yrs ago, just a yr after i left secondary school. When we started the relationship it was fine and i was still a virgin then. Anytime he ask me for sex i do tell him that i was not ready cos i was not. i really love this guy i can do anything just to be with him but offortunately for me he dosent feels the same way i do. he neither call nor text infact for the past 3yrs he only text me twice but i didnt count all these bcos of the love i have for him.after 3 months of the relationship i got tired of being the only calling him all the time and i stopped. infact he doesnt even know my birthday but i never worried about it. after one month he called and asked why i havent being calling him but i couldnt tell him why i just told him i was broke. then he stopped calling for 4months i tried his numberit wasnt going and he neither called nor flashed. after 4months he called me and told me he lost his phone i askedhim why i cant call from a payphone and he said he doesnt know my number off head, you can imagine the guy am dating that doesnt know my no offhead. he asked if i still want to continue with the relationship and if i'm still a virgin and i told him yes and we continued with our relationship. after 3 months i got tired cos it was still the same old routine, he never called and when he called i didnt pick it and when i later did, i told him to stop calling me which he obeyed willingly without asking questions. i was doing quite fine until i realise that there is no guy that came to me that i wouldnt compare to him and wish he his the one with me.towards the ending of last year i started calling him again, at first he was surprisd but didnt ask me if there is any reason why have being calling him. this year march i went to his state, i called him and he invited me to his place. i was very happy because am still going to see him again. i went there with the aim of telling him alll the things he is doing that i felt were not right but seeing him again i ***** ask him anything other than his family and school all others disappeared on seeing him. he hugged and kissed me,then said sex and i told him i wasnt ready cos i was not and i was still a virgin but when i saw that he changed and kept quiet i told him i was ready. we started but it was too painful and i had to stop him. he didnt speak to me again not even a bye-bye when i told him i was leaving. when i got home that day i text him and apologised that i wanted to do it but just couldnt because of the pain. 2 days after i went there and he deflowered me,although i wasnt ready but at the same time i was not sad cos i was deflowered by the person i love most in this world. a week after i left for my own state. i do call him and on his birthday i didnt sleep cos i wanted to be the first to say happy birthday to him, i called him, text him and posted on his wall on facebook by 12am. the next day i called him and he said he really appreciated all what i did for him on his birthday. i just noticed that he doesnt calls me and whenever i calls him he his always promising that he will call me which he never does and when i ask him why he is always telling me he his broke but jst recently i sat than i thought about his behaviour for the past 3yrs and i realised that as much as i have tried to show him love and care he never reciprocated it. i stopped calling him and he was nt even bothered about it. i want to forget him and move on with my life buti just couldnt cos if i'm with any other guy am not always comfortable i just always wish it is him i'm with.i dont know how to forget him totally like he never even existed in my life as have never being in his. pls helpme!!!

Vintage Online Shopping ??? Where?

Does anyone knows a good vintage store which sells online ? I am looking for luxury and normal affortable vintage clothes and accesoires such as purses, etc.

What does this dream mean?

It's hard to say without knowing who Terrence is. However, it appears that someone may want to harm you in some way but if you pray God will protect you....the police was God's angels.

What do you think of this purse?

I love it! I don't think it looks too small at all. In the picture where it's on the girl, it looks like a decent size. You can prob fit one of those long wallets in there with a bunch of room to spare. (:

What are some songs that have the lyrics "we mix like..."?

not the Incubus one, but songs like it......I heard it on the radio the other day but cant seem to find it again :( sort of the kind where they talk about loving each other but they don't mix well...

Is the clorox 2 stain fighter pen for colors effective on the go ? something i can carry in my purse?

I just bought that clorox 2 stain fighter pen for colors , the reason why i bought it because i thought it's something i can carry around in my purse just in case disaster strikes and i spill something on my clothes , but i'm not so sure if that is it's main purpose , is it ?

If you've been on the Carnival Splendor for the 7 day Mexican Riviera Cruise. Excursion suggestions?

Going on the Carnival Splendor 7 day Mexican Riviera Cruise in September with my husband and our 16 month old daughter. If you have been on this cruise or to these ports I am looking for suggestions on excursions that were awsome! Or suggestions on which ports we should plan an excursion and which ports we should just check out on our own. I am definately into walking the streets and shopping for some good deals!! Jewelry, purses, anything! :)


You're too young to be drinking anyway! Not one bit of alcohol has EVER touched my lips. Just stop drinking, know what you did was wrong and just know you won't do it again. Don't drink until you are at a legal age, and don't drink too much when that time comes.

Senior citizens, ladies, what do?

Lipstick,tissues, comb, wallet, check book, writing pen, Sanitizer, extra set of keys.Cell-phone and reading glasses. Also nail clippers, no I don't use nail clippers in public. I would be lost without my purse. Poppy

Where to sell purses?

I have about 2 Ed Hardy purses that I want to sell that are in perfect condition. I don't want them because I don't really wear purses. Where can I sell them? Online is fine, as well as stores(preferably in the DFW).

Is it still rape if you've slept with him before?

It doesn't matter if you slept with him before or not it's still rape. But to be clear on this, did you definitely say no/make it clear to him you did not want to. When you say you 'didn't really want to anymore' it doesn't make it clear to me whether or not you expressed this to him.

Is it a bad thing that I have to lie to my Mom about loving her?

if you feel that, while living with her, lying is best, then heck go for it, but as soon as youre out from under her thumb, be honest, and tell her alllllllll the bad sh1t she did to you, my mom has apologized so many times for the stuff she did when i was young, and i have apologized in turn, we have a much much much better relationship now than when i was younger, so have hope, for now though, you just gotta put up with it, best of luck

Do you know any good songs?!?

I really like everything. I listen to Incubus, All Time Low, Then I move to like Lady Gaga and ppl like tht. I also like 3Oh!3 and Hollywood undead. I also like old school stuff Like journey :P aha I also like random songs like My Axe By ICP Lol, Like I said I will listen to anything except country (:

Should I evetually tell my daughter she's adopted?

She's a baby now (11 months) but I'm debating on whether I should tell her when she's older. Her adoption was usual. My first husband turned to drugs in the last few hellish years of our marriage. He then was being unfaithful and got another woman pregnant. The mother made it clear that she didn't want the baby and was willing to sign over her rights to the child (she had at least 5 other children that had been taken away by child services for abuse and neglect). I stayed with him because I can't have biological children of my own and thought at least I can get one good thing out of this marriage. She had her and moved away and my ex had cleaned up his act for awhile but went back to drugs shortly after her birth. I left him and took the baby because he cared more about partying and drugs than his daughter. I filed for divorce and he told me that I could have her because he only wanted the baby to make me stay and then he terminated his rights after our divorce. I haven't see him in about 8 months and I have no clue where he is or what he's doing. I met my fiance about 3 weeks after I left my ex and our wedding is in 2.5 months. He's in the process of adopting her. He wants to keep the adoption a secret and make her think we're the bio parents. She's my about my shade has blue eyes and brown hair. We're both brunettes and he has blue eyes so she could definitely pass as our bio child but I don't know. My fiance says that telling her all this may make her hate herself (being willingly given up by both bio parents) but I don't feel comfortable living a lie. I don't want her to hate herself or be resentful towards us, but I think she has a right to know where she came from. Plus, the thing that's really bothering me is the other children involved. I know the bio mother had at least 5 other kids and my daughter deserves to know she has siblings out there but we can't tell her that without telling her everything. I'm so conflicted. For anyone that's ever be in a similar situation, any advice for us?

Is it "reighp" if you say, "Open your mouth and close your eyes and you will get a big surprise"?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Christian friends, what would you do if you met up with an atheist in a dark alley?

Easy, Try to convert him like a good christian. try to show him what the benefits of heaven and the disappointments of hell, maybe he wasn't introduced to the bible. carry one with you show him in let him have it let him read it keep in touch with him. Maybe he will convert and you would of had another person saved!

Second dream I've had about swimming in/wading in dark water?

I think it's like your kinda testing the waters. You know maybe with a new relationship, or someone you really like? And here is a fact for you, Your brain does not make up new faces it goes on people that you have known or talked to.

What constitutes a rape?

If you said no and he physically harmed you until you said yes that's rape. If he threatened you in any way to get you to have sex with him its rape. If no was the first answer and he guilted or harmed you into doing it it is still rape. File a police report pronto and talk to your parents. I would also suggest you talk to a psychiatrist, because you may be experiencing a stress disorder ( possibly ptsd). Good luck.

Can you consciously make your heart stop beating for a few seconds?

I've had this ability since I was little, used to freak my parents out. I can make my heart stop beating willingly, haha. Can you do this, or know anyone who can?

Baby Names: Are these names too different? & do you like them? 10 Points?

I like evelyn rose and Ava Renee.. Or Ava rose! I don't like the first two for boys but I do like Blake Grayson.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dont like purses?????????

Hi Im 13 years old and I Just got the Iphone. My mom is MAKING me carry it in some sort of bag, because its glass and all and because i am a klutz and I will probably drop it. Do you know like a small tote bag? Like its open and stuff and its not this little ugly mini purse type thing?? (me and the guy I like are hanging out nd if I wanna bring my phone with me, i have to carry it in a bag and I don't want it to be embarrassing, especially around him!!) thankss!

I'd like people in general to answer this question...?

Ok, so I went out dancing with a bunch of friends a couple of weeks ago. At the club I gave my clutch to my friends boyfriend. Every one was drinking that night. When we arrived home, he didn't have my purse. He lost it. He doesn't remember where or how but he lost it. In it, I had my phone, my passport and money. Now I need to get a new cell phone, I need to replace my passport which is from South Africa. The closest consulate is in California and I live in Arizona. Who is responsible for all of this? Please answer and tell me what you honestly think. Am I responsible or is he responsible?

Why does katrina do this?

well not exactly poor people only but fat people or people who dont give appearance as much thought as she does. but they still have good hygeine. she always carries designer purses and always buys expensive clothes 26 and still lives with her parents they let her live there for free and she gets all her money she makes to spend wherever she wants and and her dad pays bills and food. she is very skinny bmi around im guessing 15 or maybe 14. she is always alone she doesnt smile much which makes us mad she has nothing to be upset about she is spoiled she has a attuide type she doesnt like to be tapped or touched and always seems aloof. but looks at others like their dirt unless they are seen in chanel or a outfit that she likes she wears chanel?

If I were to return these items back to JcPenney's..?

A couple months ago I splurged and bought 5 purses that were on sale, $20.00 - $30.00 price range on all 5..I haven't used any of the bags, and all their tags are still attached however I don't have the original receipt. If I were to take these purses back to JcPenneys, would they be able to give me an in-store credit? If for some reason the purses are cheaper now than what I paid a couple months ago, could they just search the barcode into their computers to see the actual price I paid and just give me that price or would there not be a way of doing that?

Need a guys perspective, was he just looking for sex?

I've been casually dating someone for about six mounts. I haven't had sex with him but we hook up. Were not very intimate with each other emotionally but like to spent time together, at least i thought he did. In the past he's been pursing me but recently he seams less interested; hasn't been talking to me, putting effort or trying to hang out. He hasn't been texting me, which is odd since we rarely go more then a day without talking since we've been dating and he's always the one to initiate the conversation. The change was pretty sudden and Im confused what turned him off or how to get him interested again. Lately he's been hitting me up to hook up more and I've been the one trying to hang out. The only reasons i can assumed that could have caused this is the fact i'm not putting out, not into just hooking up, we've just been hanging out and nothing really fun lately, he perceived my asking to hang out as clingy, or something he got to know about me turned him off (i can be somewhat insecure and ditzy but i try to hide it). I don't want to lose his friendship because i enjoy hanging out with him and his group. I'm not sure if he's just in it for hooking up, but why would he waste all this time talking to me if i don't put out? What are some good ways to keep our friendship or gain his interest again or? Sexy facebook pictures? Hang out with other guys? Ignore his texts (We communicate mostly over text but i'm not sure how to get his attention by doing this when he's rarely texting me)

Any awesome song suggestions?

I am getting tired of the same songs on my itunes playing over and over. I want some new music. I like "Changing" by the Airborne Toxic Event, "There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet" by Panic! at the disco, "If it means a lot to you" by A day to remember, incubus, mayday parade, and I love Lights. Just a lot stuff like that. I was wondering if there are songs similar to these that maybe are not mainstream and are freaking great. Much appreciated :)

Vintage Boutiques in Manhattan?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Punk/Pop Disney Song?

For my last school choir concert, the theme is Disney songs. For the performance, a few students are chosen to perform a song solo that relates to Disney in some way. I wanted to sing for a solo but I can't find a good song to sing. I was planning to sing Tea Party by Kerli off of the Almost Alice album. I don't have an extensive range, mostly singing low, for a good example look up The Undertaker's Thirst For Revenge by Chiodos. I was trying to find a song to sing that is more pop/punk or alternative rock, kind of like Incubus/Breaking Benjamin or even Cobra Starship styled. Can anyone give me any advice or a list of songs? Please and thank you.

I was stealing from a store and left the scene before the police could arrive what will happen?

i was at a family dollar store in oklahoma city and i stole a pack of wipes..the store manager didnt actually see me take the wipes...she told me when i walked in she seen me with the wipes and she asked me to show her where i put them.. i lied and told her i put them back and she didnt see the wipes so she asked to check my purse and i didnt let her because she didnt actually see me steal i told her as im walking out of the store she called the police and got my license plate number..and i got home...what will happen..will i have a warrant just scared and confused i've never did anything like that before...i just did it..does anyone think they know what will happen

True or False: You have willingly broken mirrors before to test the bad luck superstition?

False, but I do walk under ladders and find it good luck when a black cat crosses my path. And I might just have to try breaking a mirror to check that out.

Why does my co-worker look at poor people with dirty looks?

well not exactly poor people only but fat people or people who dont give appearance as much thought as she does. but they still have good hygeine. she always carries designer purses and always buys expensive clothes 26 and still lives with her parents they let her live there for free and she gets all her money she makes to spend wherever she wants and and her dad pays bills and food. she is very skinny bmi around im guessing 15 or maybe 14. she is always alone she doesnt smile much which makes us mad she has nothing to be upset about she is spoiled she has a attuide type she doesnt like to be tapped or touched and always seems aloof. but looks at others like their dirt unless they are seen in chanel or a outfit that she likes she wears chanel?

What do you think of incubus?

i used to love Incubus, still pop in S.C.I.E.N.C.E. and Morning View from time to time, ever since Ben Kenny replaced Dirk Lance they've sucked

I need girl help- advice please, this is important to me?

I think that your attention just got caught by something 'shiny'. I understand the attraction to something new & exciting but that rush you feel won't last & chances are she may still be that same annoying person underneath. In other words, if you leave your girlfriend for this other girl, there's no guarantee that the relationship will be as good as the one you left. It's more likely to be worse given that this girl has no qualms about trying to get with someone who's been in a happy relationship for quite a while, that says something about her moral values & her character in general. It's normal to be attracted to something new & exciting but most relationships don't last past that phase. It sounds like you've got something special with your current girlfriend & you should think long & hard about staying with her.

Is yellowstone national park boring?

I would say if your not into natural wonders, nature, camping, and scenic beauty, then yeah, you will be bored. Some of the campsites are a little on the touristy side too. I went when I was 18, and I thought it was gorgeous, and I hate camping with a passion. We took a white water rafting boat trip, that was amazing. However, after awhile after seeing waterfall after waterfall and hot spring after hot spring, you may find yourself a bit bored.

Looking for constructive and REALISTIC advice?

I'm a 45 year old male who is considering pursing a degree in engineering. Perhaps Mechanical, structural or civil. I'm a returning student and did not have a strong science or math history in High school. thoughts?

What do I do!? Husband is secretative and lies to me about silly stuff!?

We have been married for 10 years, He has always like to watch porn , but recently he has been on SEVERAL adult dating sites some say couple looking for.. etc and some say single man looking for etc... I tried to talk to him about this but he blows it off like it is no big deal but then past 2 weeks he has changed the password to an email that we set up together and the pass code to his new Iphone that he is on 24/7 recent issue was my b-day my mom and sister and the kids did the whole cake and candles because the past 3 b-days have SUCKED he did not even come out of the bed room all day was on the computer and only came out late afternoon and got on the phone with his parents and then spoke to his sister until late that night oh and it was also Father's day! which brings me to my sister in law ... we were great up until 2 years ago his family lives out of state in FL wanted us to move there but it was not the right time for us to move she blamed me and on our last trip there gave me the cold shoulder the entire time which made my husband do the same I noticed the last few days they were whispering a lot more but I didn't pay them any attention but found out why on the Long drive home! Half way home still had 6 hours to go my husband unleashed a horrific fury on me calling me a thief liar pathetic it was catastrophic with the kids in the car accused me of stealing his 12yr old niece's perfume.... He allowed his sister to go through my purse and remove a bottle of perfume that MY SISTER had gotten me on my b-day. needless to say they found his niece's bottle under her bed wrapped in a towel .. my husband not one time took up for me ... or even really apologized for not standing by me!!! He has 2 kids from a previous marriage and we have 2 boys together my sister in law flew the other 2 kids to FL last year without even thinking of these boys.. I was furious because my oldest was very upset then christmas she sent the other 2 a present to our house not the boys one when I politely told her to please from on send packages to their mom's house she went off on me in text calling me all kinds of things and said that they were mixed up she sent them all at the same time but on the package the date was 4 days after our conversation. Now she has done it again the other 2 are in FL now with her and my kids do not know yet we didn't know last year till the post of facebook! When I try to talk to him about his sister and MY issues with her he gets ballistic puffs up like a blow fish and defends her every action and doesn't even listen to me we don't speak for a while then he acts like nothing happen! Well I am sick and tired of all of this I don't know what to do am I overreacting or what can I do ... he doesn't take up for me at ll I don't feel like he has my back at all!!! HELP ME

So, there's this guy.?

This guys name is Chris. I've known him for two years. He goes to my school and was in seventh period and fourth with me. I'm about to give you something really long to read, but i'm sorry. okay, in fourth, was P.E. When my coach would take us to the gym, i'd ALWAYS see him with his shirt off, and naturally you'd want to stare, well, i did. All the time, and when he'd catch me staring at him, he'd be like, "Stop starting at me," In a playful way. We used to walk around the gym and when we did, he'd always be like, "Ew, Lexi." And i'd just laugh. This was in like October- January. In March, around spring break, he confessed that he'd always liked me. We dated for three days. Maximum. After that, he said that he didn't like me anymore. He's been through TONS of girlfriends, but he said i was the only one he's wanted to marry. He literally is the sweetest guy. He sat behind me in Seventh, and every time there would be a ground activity, he'd pull his desk up beside mine. Even after we broke up. he'd still do what he did in October and January in the gym. It's always something. Everybody was always telling me that he liked me, but i never quite believed them because he said he didn't, and i chose to believe him over them. So, ever since school has let out, he's been coming to me for advice. He always says, "luv u bestfriend," and i go, "I love you too, bestfriend." So, basically, im just confused with him, and i don't know whether he likes me anymore. Probably not. Like, i said. He says he doesn't like me anymore, so i believed him. I always told him he had gorgeous eyes, and he'd always smile. He always laughs when i try to be funny, and he hits me alot. Also, he has this thing where when he sits behind me, he reaches around my shoulder and hits my boob and then says, "Oops, accident," it's always made me laugh and i know it makes me a slut for letting him do that willingly. Then there was a time when i got way too lazy to do a crossword puzzle so he took it from me and did it for me. When i try to scoot my desk away from his when he's sitting next to me, he slides me back other to him. He doesn't let me lay on him when i want to but he lets me write on his hand. ;3 He says he hates me and stuff, but i dont know. I'm confused. Does he like me still and doesn't want to tell me, or is he over me?

Do musicians listen to their own music?

Do artists like Incubus and Foo Fighters and Dr. Dre listen to their own music? Do they like their own music? Do they kick back to songs that they themselves sang and wrote? I've always wondered.

Should I go to a performing arts school?

its up to you, if you don't want to go to the performing arts school and the local high school has a program you want and all your friends, go there. if you're not interested don't go. :)

Would there be a way to make a spirit appear?

I want to contact something, but I'm having trouble. Someone thinks its a familiar, another person thinks its an incubus and someone else thinks its my elemental. I'm not sure what to decide what it is. It helps, but doesn't show itself. I as a child, made a pact with the wind(wind elemental?). It touches me in wrong places, I think(haven't felt anything, but I have my suspicions). It called my name once in a beautiful voice(male). And the weather changes with my activities for my convenience.

Cute and girly purse for highschool?

I always like Vera Bradley bags. For a name brand (which basically indicates social status in high school -___-), they have good prices, and lots of cute colors and styles to choose from. I also get a lot of my purses at JC Penney, they have lots of cute girly ones.

Can backpacks cause spider veins?

I am 18, and I recently noticed that I have spider veins on my shoulders. I thought maybe it was from sleeping on my side all the time, but then I realized that I carry a backpack all the time. I don't do purses, so I carry a little backpack every day even when I'm not carrying my school backpack. Can backpacks cause spider veins? Should I stop carrying a backpack?

Is cash for gold a scam? Are we really getting the truth?

The value of the american dollar WILL dramatically decrease. The only people left that will be able to survive buying food and other things will be those who have accumilated gold and silver. IF this is the truth, doesn't it make sense that the company cash4gold will willingly spend money to buy gold and silvers off of you?

Would you sacrifice yourself for the good of humanity?

In an honest confrontation, would you willingly sacrifice your mind/body by whatever means possible in exchange for a more "just" and "pure" world...hypothetically speaking, of course. No, I do not mean in a religious sense like that of Christ.

I was wondering if there was a good website that can teach me how to play popular songs on guitar for FREE?

The website called is almost perfect it has a lists of songs by matchbox twenty, incubus, sister hazel, etc. and it would be exactly what Im looking for EXCEPT for the fact that i have to pay 2.99 or more for each song. So I was just wondering if there is a website like this, but one that would teach me for free.

Help! Tattoo suggestions? ?

I want to get a tattoo from the Incubus song dig. The part that's says "dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me." but it's kind of long. So I was thinking of getting 'dig' on the back of one thigh and 'me' or 'this' on the other. Ideas?

Entities that rape or have sexual intercourse with women are called what?

well what i know, mostly demons do that sort of things to women, they just do it cus they want to, or that they have to cuz its their porpoise to do it to us. sometimes demons even want to poses us into sex slaves which is not very fun sometimes because they can be pretty rough and could kill you. if i were to have a sexual intercourse with a demon/ghost/entity i would rather not fight back, i would rather just resist or just let go until it leaves.

Is it easier to collect unemployment if you are fired or if you quit?

I've been told it is easier/quicker to get unemployment if you're let go as opposed to if you willingly resign. true?

Can you press charges against someone for having sex with you without them telling you they had an STD?

Like, if they knew they had an STD, and proceeded to have sex with you (willingly) can you press charges?

Why did you CHOOSE your religion?

I didn't really choose my religion, my religion is christian. But I didn't choose a religion I chose to believe in god ( & the trinity ) only religion I'm not open to is atheism. And if they don't believe in higher powers why do they call atheism a religion.. Hm..

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Where should I put my hamster?

I got my hamster a week ago and I'm TRYING to clean his cage. My mom and I bought a ball for him, I know I am suppose to pick him up and put him in his ball but he is still not comfortable around me. He will not willingly walk into his ball. Where do I put him now, I need to clean his cage. HELP?

So I think I want to get my hair cut Like Brandon Boyd from Incubus. Whats the name of his type of hairstyle?

All you have to do is bring in a picture to your stylist! That is ALWAYS the best way to get exactly what you want :)

What could it be that keeps terrorizing me?

My things are disappearing then reappearing either back in the same place 20 minutes to a day later or end up in a completely different room. I zipped up the pocket in my purse, 5 minutes later I get back in my purse and it is unzipped again, I zip it back and the same thing happens. Some times I will see black shadows moving quickly around my feet but there is nothing around that could have made those shadows. Some on said it could be ghost but to me that is strange. the shadows are no bigger than a fat cat. Not mention the shadows are black. I use to wake up in my room to a white shadow sitting at the end of my bed watching me sleep. Mom said it was my guardian angel. I still see it time to time just not as often. what are these strange black shadows and why does all my stuff get moved, especially things that I just put down by me, they some how end up in another room when I haven't moved at all from that room. Can you tell me or am am just getting more paranoid or losing my mind. I don't know what to think any more.

An asshole friend, but I miss him.?

Your right alot of half read/answered questions, so you miss the way he was or the way you all were? That's honestly where you need to think on first cause it could be that you both have changed but only see one side you think, just think on it, and it's not moronic to ask here,but true that they don't read fully,best I can do ask asgain if you like ......

Would you choose me to exercise demonic and/or alien dark matter parasites or would you really rely on a...?

LOL!!! The people who really do experience these things never boast, brag or "advertise" this stuff.

What is a "devil's purse"?

It is the casing that surrounds a fertilized sharks egg in certain species of sharks, and other specific types of aquatic fish, they are sometimes called a mermaids purse

In a non desperate situation.would you willingly kill an animal if you knew it was older than you are?

i mean if you found out the turtle your about to kill is over 200 years old..would you still kill it?

Why does my co-worker look at poor people with dirty looks?

well not exactly poor people only but fat people or people who dont give appearance as much thought as she does. but they still have good hygeine. she always carries designer purses and always buys expensive clothes 26 and still lives with her parents they let her live there for free and she gets all her money she makes to spend wherever she wants and and her dad pays bills and food. she is very skinny bmi around im guessing 15 or maybe 14. she is always alone she doesnt smile much which makes us mad she has nothing to be upset about she is spoiled she has a attuide type she doesnt like to be tapped or touched and always seems aloof. but looks at others like their dirt unless they are seen in chanel or a outfit that she likes she wears chanel?

If you found a wallet/purse with �500 in it would you hand it in?

Yes, its the right thing to do, ask yourself, if you lost the wallet how would you feel if someone didn't return your wallet with 500 euros in it?

Is this a plot hole in harry potter and the deathly hallows?

No, because Tom Riddle _can't_ just kill Harry - he's protected by his mother's sacrifice. That's what gave him the opportunity to live.

Help with child pornography issue?!?

Sending nude pics if you're under 18 is child porn no matter who you send it too. They can be considered a sex offender even if they are a minor too. Just wait till you turn 18 lol

What are some lesser known mythological beings?

Trolls?thought materialising one from the Tibetan monks. They can 'think' up and create beings from their thoughts. When they do,this being do their bidding's for them. I read where 1 got away from him and is out there somewhere. This a true story and thoughts are creative Energy. Believe it or s'not! God created the universe with thought...

Can I teach my puppies to sleep past dawm?

Puppies have small bladders and can't go near as long as an adult dog. 5 hours without an accident for a puppy that age is remarkable. I don't think you should expect any more time then that.

Can you give Incubus Albums: Can you give me their names in order?

I've been listening to Incubus for a while and I was wondering if any of you guys can give me all their album names in order from the first one to their newest album "Adolescents"? Thanks that would help A LOT!

How To Write In A Man's Point Of View?

There isn't enough space here to begin to explain how I think, let alone any other males. I'd better leave some space for the female contribution, (should be interesting.)

How can u tell a boy is gay?

im tlkin to this boy n he basically will do anything for me such as let me paint his toes lol.....he also takes my purse n acts like he on the runway or sum jus to b funny...idk if he jus really likes me or is jus tryna b funny n prove to me he really likes me

Song suggestions to the artists listed below?

I'm looking for any songs by the following artists: Foo Fighters, Stain'd, 50 Cent, Eminem, Puddle of Mudd, Green Day, Nirvana, Black Sabbath, 2 Pac, Incubus, Alanis Morrisette, Elena Siegman, Massive Attack, or a good song by a good artist based on what I listed above. THANK YOU!!!

Questions about herpes?

You definitely don't have herpes. Stds don't survive that well outside the body. You probably got a cold from using her lip gloss which is very unsanitary. Or you couldve gotten a cold from somewhere else but its NOT an std. You should get tested regularly if you are active tho

If we tarred and feathered obama and the dem leadership would they finally get the message that they need to?

severely cut federal spending? That we will no longer support the federal govt's. poor stewardship of the public purse and that we only have enough money to support a smaller government? Enough is enough!!

Sick Two Week Old Baby Bunny!?

Yesterday night, (about 6:00PM) I was leaving the house started going down the drive and I found a baby bunny wobbling around in a circle. So I stopped and picked him up. Went and bought her some goats milk and a bottle. She was nuzzling my hand like she was hungry, digging and suckling my finger, (Obviously, momma rabbit had not return to the nest to feed her baby until after the time I had picked her up) But I could not find her nest anywhere. I am thinking either she was moving them and got startled and dropped her or she just accidentally wandered out of the nest. Her eyes are almost open/halfway open. She has her fur. Now, she will not eat willingly I have been forcing a few drops down. Tried last night and then figured I'd try again tomorrow, same story. I am terrified she will die. I know bunnies are very hard to keep alive that young. I just do not know what to do. On top of all that she might have a cold. She has been sneezing and I think grinding her teeth? or wheezing? I am not sure what the noise is but most likely its one of those. What can I do to make her more comfortable?

Can spirits of the dead have sex with us or is it all just demons?

i was reading about incubus and succubus but could spirits of deceased people do it as well as demons i also read the 99% of the time that demons don`t want sex they want your soul

What do you think i should do ? please help with my situation ..?

my dad bought me my first car 1 month ago..and i was happy but really its been more stressful than anything else...the cars registration is under my name so you would think i own it but really the title is under my dads name so he can take it away...he told me he wont give me a hard time about the car that all he wants is for me to go to school and work and that having it will make my life easier..well, thats bullcrap because hes already going through my purse making copies of the keys and yesterday i found my bumper sticker was missing...he took itt out because he says he didnt like what it said which is this "YES, IM A BiiIATCH JUST NOT YOUR BiiIATCH" i was like what a jerk he told me he wont give me a hard time...hes overreacting over a sticker? wow i can imagine how its going to be like if one day i go to a club HE WILL BLOW UP it just hurts because he LIED TO ME and told me not to worry that its my car the only condition was that i dont stop working ...i know i have to give the car back and buy my own car its just sooo hard because having a car is so much better and now i have to take the bus for like 4 months so i can save money to buy my own car , and this car i have now is causing me stress and my freedomwill. Should i go tomorrow to the tag place and just cancel everything and give the car back ? i know thats what i should do but dont you think this is so sad? i couldent even experience having my first car yet ...and at that not even a good one. I know i should buy my own car and in the long run it will be better but just vent with me here :(

Whats a good school bag?

im going to high school this fall. And we dont have lockers any more. I dont know if i should carry a purse and a school bag or just one? Do you have a recomendations?

What should I ask for for my 14th birthday?

I already have an Xbox 360, Wii, Camera, Phone, Ipod, Coach purses, laptop, and I have no idea what I want. Any ideas?(:

Does anyone know when the next incubus concert is?

i want to see incubus and i live in culver city/los angeles.. so if anyone could tell me thatd be great!

Would you be willing to volunteer for a chastity belt experiment?

I"d do it. I sacrifice sex for a month for money. Hell I don't get that much now what's the difference except I'll get paid. Yahoo.

Opinions anyone? cause this is mine.?

I only read the first sentence of each paragraph. But in some ways I do understand you and agree. However, you must realize that this world is made of good and evil. These things have always existed and will always exist. Not trying to get all religious on you but it will only end when God comes back.

If a girl is the one pursuing the guy, does that mean he isn't interested?

If you're making him out to be the guy that he really is, then awesome :) I don't think confronting him about it would offend him by the sounds of it. If you feel comfortable enough, you should let him know instead of letting it bug you and regret it later.

How do i get rid of a cursed book?

i know its silly, but i have a cursed book. it's an Edgar Allen Poe book that i got as a christmas present a few years ago. this thing does not like to be moved, and terrible things happen whenever i move it. i want to get rid of it but i dont know how. i was thinking of burning it, or giving it to fish (none of my freinds will willingly take it). will burning it backfire somehow? And how should i get it out of my room and into my backyard where i can burn it without it freacking out? Please Please help me like i said i know its silly, but i really just want to get rid of this thing safely and quickly!!!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

What's it like to go clubbing on your own? D:?

See I'm thinking that this is the only way I'ma ever get to go to a gay club. On my own. I'm not too sure there would be anyone in my group of friends who would willingly come. So...what's it like going on your own?

Is it weird for a girl to just carry a wallet?

I am a girl, and all I carry is my wallet w/ my license, money, and (other stuff that goes in a wallet). That's all I carry with me most places is that weird? I just don't like carrying purses for some reason.

What happened to my Olympus camera?

There are two black dots the same exact size on the viewing screen. I don't know what happened. It is always in my purse in case I see something that I want to take a picture of, and there are no liquids or anything in there. Once, there was a nail polish remover in there that I bought at a mall in there. It started leaking, but I took it out when I got home and I'm pretty sure I used the camera no problem right after that situation. The camera's brand new, I just got it about a month ago. Everything else works fine, I'm pretty sure, it's just the dots. Can anyone help me or tell me what the problem is?

I need help with my 4 year old girl!!!?

She is trying to act like the parent and do and say things just as me and my husband do. She cries all day if she doesn't get her way and she will not go to sleep willingly (she doesn't take anymore naps, so that's not the case of her not going to sleep.) I don't know what to do!! I am losing my patience and she is driving us crazy!!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Does a purse count as a carry-on bag for greyhound?

Call the greyhound station. In a multi state trip my backpack was a carry on. When I went 70 miles it was not a carry on

I'm So Confused With Guys?

so i bump into this guy that i've had a crush on for years.. well he is 21 now and i'm 19 so he asked for my number and asked me out :) well the date lasted for 4 days had fun hanging with his friends etc and so we started dating and he said we was together so this lasted for a week so the weeked hits and i packed a bag to stay over for a couple days friday went great ! so saturday hits and everything seems fine so he went to go pick up a truck with a couple of his guys friends .. no big deal and he asked me if i wanted to go and i told i was gonna stay at the house and talk to his mom he kissed me goodbye and left .. a couple hours later he comes back kisses me and asked me if i wanted to go down to the tire shop and his mom and grandmother wanted me to make plans to go on a trip with em so he leaves to the tire shop with his buddies ..... so he comes back and acts like i'm not even in the room and he pulls his dad in the room and he said to me when u wanna go home i said when ever i guess so he told me to go out to eat with his mom and dad ... so his dad told me that ryan told him that he really likes me but dont know if this relationship is going to work out cause we have nothing in commin etc so he calls his dad on the phone and his dad put it on speacker and i hear ryan say make sure i get my purse and bag out of his house so i take from what his mom and dad has told me that he dont want me around anymore so we come back to the house and he is all dressed up face shaved hair done lookin nice and he told me he was going to lowes that has closed 2 hours ago and so i had my grandmother pick me up and take me home and before i left his dad broke up with me ( weird i know ) So my grandmother picks me up and i texted him to lose my number and he replys whoo ok then look can we be friends atleast .. then he calls and says i was going to drop u off so i told dont sweat it im already home so he texts me hey im sorry ... so im really confused if he even liked me and what did i do wrong

Flying internationally and domestically with a plant?

I'm flying with SAS from Stockholm to Newark, and I want to take a little plant with me I got in Sweden, I think it's a type of lilly. I've looked on the website and I can't find anything on regulations and rules. it's small enough to fit in my purse so that's what I'm planning on doing. Then from Newark I'm flying to Minneapolis with Frontier Airlines. So any help on how to do this and any papers I need to get would be helpful! Thank you so much!

Recommend any Artists/Songs/Albums?

Manic Street Preachers are excellent, some of there best songs are motorcycle emptiness, a design for life, faster, from despair to where

How can i get my cockatiel to trust me?

I just got him about 5 days ago, from a differen't home who's had him about 4 months. He's a male, and he's still scared of my boyfriend and i (primary caretakers) and we let him come out of his cage willingly. He wasn't handled a lot in his last home and he's just not used to it. How can i get him used to being handled and not so afraid of us. I have a lot more questions and i would like to talk to someone who knows a lot about this subject

What do mental institutions do you...?

What do they do when you don't cooperate with them? I mean like after (if you didn't willingly go) you're forced out of your house and taken. If you don't cooperate do they hurt you or something?

What store sells camouflage purses?

I really want a pink camouflage purse but I have no idea where they are. I want to find a store in Lumberton, NC or somewhere close to there.. Maybe Fayettiville, NC. Please help me out. A website I could go to and look at the purses would really help. Thanks(:

What can i bring on a airplane with me?

Well, I learned not to take guns; the security thought I was a terrorist so I had to kill them and steal the airplanes.

My 2.5 yr old regressed in potty training after an accident. Help!?

We started training at 2. He was doing pretty good until I fractured my foot. So for a few days I couldn't walk, so I couldn't get up and put him on the potty. After that, he seems to have given up or become completely stubborn about it. He says no every time I say its time to potty or ask him if he needs to potty. If I put him on the potty he gets off and runs into another room. Only once this whole time he has willingly went. He was standing in front of me obviously having a hard time doing number 2 so i told him if he sits on the potty and relaxes it will be easier to go and he said ok and went to the potty. I have tried that afterward and it was a no go all over again. I just don't know what to do. Goodies and stickers aren't working anymore either as incentive to go.. Please help!

Wide sprad corruption in the government is a sure disincentive for the people to pay income Tax ....?

I entirely agree with you. People like to keep their money regardless of the income they earn. It's a fairly simple concept that no one seems to get anymore.

Hold in contempt of court?

I am willingly trying to fulfill a court order by contacting the debtor to make arrangement for payments but the debtor is not willing to work withe on this and has not replied back to my payment offer. Can this debtor take to court for contempt?

In need of some good rock music?

Here are some of the bands that I like (In alphabetical order according to my ipod): AFI, Alice in Chains, Anberlin, Armor for sleep, Atreyu, Avenged sevenfold, The Beastie Boys, Blink 182, Brand New, Chevelle, Dashboard Confessional, Deftones, Evanescence, Flobots, Flyleaf, Foo Fighters, Framing Hanley, Glassjaw, Hawthorne Heights, Hollywood Undead, Incubus, Jimmy Eat World, Linkin Park, Meg & Dia, Middle Class Rut, Mindless Self Indulgence, Motion City Soundtrack, My Chemical Romance, The Offspring, Papa Roach, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Reggie and The Full Effect, Rise Against, Safety Suit, Saliva, Saosin, Seether, Senses Fail, Shinedown, Sick Puppies, Sixx AM, The Smashing Pumpkins, Smile Empty Soul, Stone Sour, Straylight Run, The Strokes, Sum 41, Taking Back Sunday, Three Days Grace, Trapt, The Used, The White Stripes, 10 years, and 30 Seconds to Mars. Maybe some band suggestions, and even some starter songs because some songs are much better than others, even with one band. Please no wanna be punk rock sh*t. Like: Avril Lavigne, All American Rejects, Never shout Never, Fall out boy, any of that crap is banned from your answers. BANNED I say!! Thank you!

Should i divorce my wife yes or no poll?

I wanted to use her fecies to make a statue(to show my love) she wouldn't let me. She cussed me out and said she's going to her mothers if I didn't straighten up. So I do my doo-doo statue anyway I pile it up 6feet tall. I place it in bed with her. At six in the morning she wakes up screaming and cussing. She comes downstairs nude in flip flops. Smacks me while I'm eating my bacon she screams(that is disgusting!!! What on earth would posses you to do that) I said I love you and I'm sorry next time ill make you a small one and sneak it in your purse for you. So when your at the job your girlfriends can see the unsanitary statue. She left and said I'm going to get salomanalia what is that? Is she crazy? Should we divorce?

Ladies,have you ever had to ask your husband?

Have you ever had to ask your husband to go 'downtown' on you? Most men do it willingly but are there any women that had to plead with their man to go there?

Could anyone please explain to me what makes a band be a sell out band?

I think after "Morning View" Incubus got rather watered down, but by no means was "Make Yourself" a "sell-out" after "S.C.I.E.N.C.E.". It was much more accessible, but it was not a change for "strictly commercial" reasons (which is what a sell-out would've been).

Anthony wiener,why he won't resign willingly.?

anthony wiener has now sent photos from the government gym, this may be illegal. Also he is entitled to his pension if he stays around, that is why he won't leave.

My wife is an illegal immigrant who entered without inspection. What do I do?

Find a good Alia lawyer experienced in handling cases like your wife's. She may have to return to Mexico to wait up to a year for an immigrant visa if her Waiver of Inadmissibility is accepted. Some YA members have claimed that it is even possible for people like your wife to remain in the US and get a green card if she has no other issues besides illegal entry as a child.

What are some mostly male mythical demons or monsters?

I'm currently working on a manga (it's something I'd like to break into one day) and I need some names of mythical demons or monsters who are mostly male, I only need two types and I've already got one: The Incubus, which is the male form of a Succubus. Info on any creatures you know about would be nice, thanks! :)

Is there any worth in a counterfeit vintage Gucci?

I believe a vintage Gucci purse I bought is counterfeit. It's from the 80s...are they even worth anything?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What are the differences and what are the procedures to create a thought form and a construct?

Best sources for this are Markides' books on Daskalos (Magus of Strovolos, Homage to the Sun), Rudolf Steiner's works, C.W. Leadbeater, and some of Blatvatsky's. In that order.

Best type of purse for a 13 year old?

I don't want to even look like I'm trying to be older, because I'm not. What designers are affordable($25-$50) that are still young and fresh? Possibly Vera Bradley? Does it look old ladyish? I'd prefer a crossbody. Thanks.

Guys: what do you look for in a girl?

I look for a girl who isn't fake. That means that dyed hair, weird hair cuts, too much makeup, piercings and tattoos are all unattractive. You didn't mention tattoos, but everything else is very unattractive to most guys. And it makes you look cheap. Your body is fine. I prefer a girl with a little stomach fat. You'd look better in a bikini the way you are than if lost weight. Other than looks, I look for a girl who is kind, loving, stable and reliable.

On what grounds can a police officer detain you and take your personal possesions?

The other day I had a very big party. The noise was not loud but there was cars lined up all down the street. I saw police cars comming down the road and I told everyone to be quiet or leave. When the police officers stopped in front of my house I went to confront them. They policve officer got out of his car and asked me what my name was, and i told him. then he started walking on my property gesturiong toward the house like i was supposed to follow him. I said hold on and started asking them questions like why they were there and how come. They immediately detained me while i was still on my property. They asked if i had anything sharp on me and i said no and they patted me down and reached into my pocket and took my phone out of my pocket. They would not answer any of my questions except they got an anonymous phone call saying that there were minors drinking at my house. They put me in the back of the car and put my phone in the dash of the car. I asked them to give it back so i could call me dad or attourny but they wouldnt. i sat in the back of the car for about 30 min while they went around my house trying to find evidence, which they did. They caught minors trying to leave who had been drinking. When they came back they told me that either i could let them in and everyone underage would get minors and i would get a social host, or that they would get warrent and everyone under 21 would get minors and i would get a social host. They again I asked them and what grounds could they get a warrents and they told me about the kids they had caught. he proceeded to threaten me by saying "if you make me wake up a judge at this time you will sit in the back of the car while i break all of your doors in. I said that if they got a warrent i would willingly let them in, but they said they would just keep me there wile they did it. Is any/all of this legal/illegal?

Anyone else hate 311?

i love incubus like RHCP and sublime but hate 311 idk why i just think think they blow. i cant see how anyone could like them tbh

What bag should i get for highschool?

i'm starting highschool in august and i dont really know what bag to use i heard totes are really cool but my mom just got me a purse do you think that wud be ok? it's kinda like a bowler bag but still pretty cute

Would you go to a concert alone?And have you ever done it?

You will probably be more comfortable with being alone the second time around, especially if it's at the same venue. But I hear ya. I would go alone but I really wouldn't want to. Get a Incubus t-shirt. Maybe someone who likes them will comment on it and you can hook up and go together.

Give me some bands listen to!? this very moment i am listening to "river of brakelights" by julian casblancas. is possibly the most intensely deep song i have ever listened to IN MY LIFE:) but you should check out THE STROKES if youve never really listened to them before...theyre my fav band ever<33

How can I know whether torrents I download do not contain some sort of keylogger?

Say I download some software off thepiratebay, when I am installing that software I have this fear I am also installing some sort of keylogger/spy software and everything I do on my computer from here on will be watched by some computer hacker. How would I know if this was true and how likely is that to be true? It makes perfect sense. If you are that sort of criminal, just incorporate your spy software with whatever software people that is popular and lots of people will download and you have access to all of their computers almost willingly.

If you leave home to live with a relative willingly, does it count as kidnapping?

i'm 15 so i don't know if i'm old enough. i'll be completely honest, ilove my parents, i just don't love them together. i think it'd be healthy if i left, but i don't want to get my relative in trouble, so if you know pls help. thanks :)

Music suggestions - I need help!?

James Gang, 311, Cryptopsy, Vader, Joe Satriani, Rainbow, Stuck Mojo, Funkdoobiest, Ice Cube, Peter Tosh, Cream, Foo Fighters, Oasis, Eagles, Moe, Judas Priest, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Tool, The Urge, The Who

Can you help me analyze this quote?

They were saying they were pro-Communist and wanted them to defeat America. They identified with the Viet Cong. They would claim that they were actually protesting for "peace," but as long as the Communists were attacking South Vietnam the only way there could be peace in their minds was a Communist victory.

Christians, did the church leaders of the second century church know about the blood of Jesus?

"know about the blood of Jesus?" - you mean, were the early christians using that stupid religious lie yet? I don't think so. Lots of religious lies got straightened out after 300 BCE. Then sweet loving christians could start burning people at the stake.

Why do women in polygamist marriages believe it's what God wants?

I've never understood why a polygamist woman really believes God wants them to learn to cope with the jelousy and lifestyle of a husband who couldn't settle just for her? I'd like to think that God loves all his children, even his daughters enough to have one special man, and ONE special woman to share their lives together. Me being married conservatively in a Christian lifestyle has made me very happy, especially to know that I"m the only one my husband goes to bed with, and he's my only man. We are expecting our third child and I love the idea that they're only MY kids and no one else's, why would a woman willingly choose the polygamist lifestyle. If it has to do with 50% of marriages fail, the polygamist marriages are involved in that percentage as well, and about %30 of those marriages aren't Christian.

Please help me? How to get tampons? (Repost)?

I dont think you should be emabarassed about it. If anything, why not call and ask your sister to go with you. Otherwise, I m sure your grandmother will be just fine with taking you. Make sure you get the smallest ones they have. They will hurt at first if you get the bigger ones, but you will get used to them.

Which artists have song the song burning times (wiccan music)?

I had this song on my ipod a few years ago and it was not sung by Incubus, Moonstuch or Christy Moore. It was sung by a man with a very deep slow voice and I loved it and can't find it anywhere now!

Can she tell me this?

Hi, everyone. Me and my GF were talking about tattoos (I have a half-sleeve) and she asked me if I was going to have anymore done. I told her that maybe turn my half-sleeve into a sleeve and get another sleeve. She basically told me that she doesn't like people "heavily" tattooed and that I should not get anymore done. I told her I was gonna do it probably, and that it's my body (I told her nicely). Than she got upset. And started making weird comparatives, like she tattooing Brand Boyd form Incubus. I think she can't tell what to do with my body. What do you guys think?

4th Amendment New Jersey vs. T.L.O.?

Read the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Using the words of the Amendment, try to make an argument that the search of T.L.O.'s purse was a violation of her Fourth Amendment rights.

Crazy fashion question about Roberto Cavalli?

I was given a vintage purse and it says Borgo Cavalli is this a line from Roberto Cavalli it is made in Italy thanks so much for any help

He said I was his favorite (platonically), but he doesn't willingly talk to me?

Well it means that he sees you as a friend, one that he really enjoys talking too. These other girls are a love interest. Guys don't show much emotion online anyway unless they are trying to get with someone. I'm sorry :/

Small bag or box with lock?

I'm looking for a small bag or small box with a lock. Something I can keep personal items like condoms, cigarettes, etc. in in my purse. Every makeup bag I find doesn't have 2 zippers that I could put a small lock through. Any suggestions?

Is it right for my dad to check my bank account?

well considering that you are 19, unless he is on the account, he shouldnt be able to check into your account! if you dont want him looking into your buisiness open a new one, transfer the money into that one, and he wont be able to see anything anymore..

Leftists, would you support legislation that mandated citizens invest their idle capital?

I ask this question because I read a lot of leftists crying about "greedy" people and such who are sitting on a huge pile of cash and not "creating jobs" like they should be doing. So, I ask, if private citizens willingly choose to sit on the sidelines and not do the right thing and "create jobs", should government force them to do so? Furthermore, if government mandates that they do so and they refuse, should government simply confiscate that idle cash for the common good?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

You wrote a statement for someone sayin you had nothing to do with a crime and the witness signed it?

ok being blamed to a crime i had nuthing to do with...if i wrote a statement sayin i had nothing to do with it and they acted alone and they signed it willingly can i use that in court

What to carry a phone around in?

Hi Im 13 years old and I Just got the Iphone. My mom is MAKING me carry it in some sort of bag, because its glass and all and because i am a klutz and I will probably drop it. Do you know like a small tote bag? Like its open and stuff and its not this little ugly mini purse type thing?? (me and the guy I like are hanging out nd if I wanna bring my phone with me, i have to carry it in a bag and I don't want it to be embarrassing, especially around him!!) thankss

Why is incubus overlooked by music enthusiasts?

They are great. But their music is unique, not many people can appreciate it. I think my favorite album is make yourself, and Morning View is a close second. Morning View is very relaxing album, it always manages to put me in a peaceful mood.

What kind of bags/purses are in this year?

I don't like to carry around a lot of stuff, are small, cross-body bags still fashionable for a 18 year old girl? or are they too old ladyish? I want a new poppy metallic signature swingpack from coach, but are they trendy?

Recommended Size/Gauge Guitar Strings?

Okay so Ive gotten into the hardcore screamo genre of rock. So i was wondering what gauge you would recommend me. I also play alot of higher up tuning stuff like Incubus and Green Day, you know, Standard tuning stuff. Ive begun to play bands like A Day to Remember, Bring Me the Horizon etc... So should i go for 10-46 gauge or 11-54? I use Ernie Ball Super Slinky strings so i guess the Regular Slinky or the Beefy Slinky? Thanks!

Will my mom get mad at me for spending the money?

well theres this adorable hello kitty purse at this store it's the hello kitty embossed bag and my best friend and i have been saving money together to get us some nice purses ^_^ but mine cost 86 dollars and i really dont mind because i did chores and earned the money i just feel like my mom will get mad at me for getting the bag. its a gourgous bag and i have wanted it im just so on the line about buying the bag. i feel like she will get mad at me for "waisting her money" should i get it? please give a good answer. no dumb answers not in the mood thanks for the help :)

Where is the best place to by an Xbox that is can use with the "Kinect"?

Try Gamestop or other major electronics stores, most places will have the Xbox by itself for $200 and it's the new model but only has 4 gb. I would recommend getting the bundle which is the Xbox and Kinect together, it saves you about $50 and costs $300. Kinect=$150 New Xbox=$200 Total=$350. So yeah, try the major places for either the Xbox or bundle. or if you just want the xbox cheaper try ebay or etc. P.S The bundle contains 1 game as with the Kinect itself, and Star Wars Kinect dosen't look that great a bit too laggy IMO. And do research on best prices you can find used xboxs and Kinects at lower prices at game stores or ebay. Hope I helped!

How could this POSSIBLY be child abuse?

It's INCREDIBLY difficult to actually PROVE date rape. For him to have actually been convicted, there must have been a TON of evidence working against him-DNA, bruises, etc. The majority of cases of date rape are never reported/dismissed because there is typically a lot of gray area and a lack of evidence. If he is actually registered, he is likely not telling you and your sister even close to the whole story.

Looking for new rock bands?


Antisocial! ?

It is very important that you begin to socialize your dog with other people and dogs as soon as she has all her shots. We also have a very shy puppy, and try to get her out around people as much as possible. Take her for walks in your neighborhood, and encourage people to pet her. When someone is interested in petting her, give them one of her treats, and ask them to feed it to her.

What color and style purse should I get?

I want something cute, I usually wear skirts or dresses and some sort of heel. Any help would be appreciated!

What website to order from?

I'm going to open a booth in a shop and i'm wanting to sell things like those GENEVA brand jelly watches that come in lots of colors, purses and the cheap sunglasses. I went to a cute shop resently and thats what they had and i thought it was a really good idea. Only problem is I have no clue where to order that type of stuff...Can someone help me out? Thanks!

Need a bag for school!!!?

I start school in a month and I need a purse. It needs to be big enough to hold a binder but not too big. The most money u can spend is 70. I don't like Vera Bradley. Any ideas.??

SO nervous about abercrombie kids interview?

I was at the mall yesterday and my cousin talked me into applying at abercrombie kids. Im 17 and i know at interviews, if you say one thing wrong than your just screwed. I scheduled my interview for july 5th at 4 and i applied for the modeling position and Im just worried about what to bring like do i bring a purse or just my wallet and keys and phone or nothing at all. My hair is naturally curlly kind of wavy but idk if i should straighten to not seem like i just got out of bed. i have clothes from both abercrombie and hollister but idk what to exactly wear. The biggest part im worried about is the question, i get nervous and itll be worse when its group interviews. Ive read some answers on here but they havent really helped out that much. I hope i get it and thanks for your answers.

How to buy from large companies if you do not have a brick and mortar business?

I have a mobil purse business and find that some bag wholesalers (Fossil and others) say that they do not sell to companies that do not have a brick and motar store, but yet I see these same ladies bags being sold on sites like "" "the find" and many other websites. How do they get ahold of these products? I'm stumpted

New Jersey vs. T.L.O case?

Read the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Using the words of the Amendment, try to make an argument that the search of T.L.O.'s purse was a violation of her Fourth Amendment rights.

I enjoy being alone too much?

Bring a dead body into your house. It will be a friend without all the inconveniences of a live friend.

Will you support ALIPAC's call for the impeachment of Barack Obama?

Yes I will because this has gotten Americans killed to further a political agenda towards Socialism and Totalitarianism.

Is talking to his ex a good idea?

to much drama. chill and if this is the way this relationship is going to be full of drama get out.

Why do the people who don't know I'm Arlo assume I'm a feminist on this account?

Because you mentioned me, and I'm anti-fem and that guys knows it, and he saw you were making fun of me.

Can someone claim they're christian and still have sex before marriage?

Willingly, but plans to marry the person but want to take things slow, attend Church and pray for change.But still carry on with that way of living, does that stop people from getting blessings? and is that person still saved? what happens?

Having a yard to price stuff?

Visit some other sales in your neighborhood and find out what their price point was, every neighborhood is unique as to who is shopping there and what they are mostly looking for. Someone else who is having a sale or who has just had one can give you scoop on what worked and didn't. Good luck! Hope you do well!

What is my job called?

Ok I know the title is kinda stupid but my friend asked me what my the name of my job was (like people that help animals are called vets). I work in the middle of the aisle at a mall selling purses and cell phone covers. I didn't know really what to call it except the "annoying-the-crap-out-of-someone job" Would it be called Kiosk Person or what?

Fashion Advice On Cute Bags .?

I Need A Really Cute Vintage Styled Messenger Bad Thats Kind Of Medium Sized Like A Purse But Can Fit Like A Notebook Or Something . Like Has To Have Alot Of Pockets Though . Thanks Links Would Be Great . ;)

My dog won't stay off my car.?

Yes I have a dog that just won't stay off my car. I have a sports car so it's low to the ground for her to get up on. She's been doing it on and off since she was a puppy but it's recently been almost everyday.I've punished her for it and she knows she's not supposed to go up there because when I ask her "Did you go on Mommy's car?" she cowers and put her ears back and her tail between her legs then goes to her cage willingly for timeout. I just don't know what to do. I can't find anything on the web for help. I'm guessing because most people don't have this issue with their dog but rather their cats. If anyone can help to give me some advice I'd really appreciate it. Thanks

Friday, July 15, 2011

Question about a coach purse?

I seen a lot of people with this coach purse it goes over their shoulder across their chest and sits on the other side and its pretty small would fit a phone and a wallet and keys... im wondering where to buy these even a online store works thankss!!!

Am I completely insane, please answer?

Bipolar is just a label of the symptoms. Not everyone will have all the same symptoms and considering your dad has it.. it seems you probably have something of that sort too. Don't look at it with a label.. it's a chemical imbalance in the brain causing these symptoms, it doesn't need a label unless you need to label it. I'm sorry your treatment isn't working, explain that to your doctor. Stay positive and I hope you find some relief.

Where can i find a cute handbag for school!?

so i am going to be a freshmen in high school and want a really cute bag for all my stuff! i want it to be a big bag that has smaller handles but also a larger strap too! i will have a smaller purse for personal items so i don't want it to be too big for me to carry around. i want it to be cheap but still look nice! thanks for the help!(:

I"m 16 & pregnant ,but i don't know who the father is? Should i give her/him up for adoption?

No no no. I'm not saying i'm a whore or slut or anything. I've never even had sex...willingly. About 3 months ago i was visiting my folks in Alabama my no one was home so i took a walk. It was about 8:30 when i left the house( i know it;s late but i lived there when i was 6-8 so i trusted the neighbourhood) Then all of a sudden about three guys came out of the woods and attacked me. When i came to i was in the hospital. And now i'm pregnant.

Need exciting name for online shop?

I run an online shop specializing in military apparel purses diaper bags bracelets blankets etc and need a new name to switch things up I want something kinda clever that explains what the shop is but still sounds professional any ideas are appreciated

Is it possible to get unemployment benefits if you willingly quit a job?

There are some VERY RARE reasons where you can quit a job and collect unemployment. And even these depend on which state you were working in. But it doesn't sound like you're even close to qualifying for those.

What should I get my friend for her bday?

I was going to buy her a juicy couture purse but the shipping and handling was like the same amount of the freaking bag! So now I don't know what to get her. My price limit is around $30 or less. Please help? I want to get her something good.

Why does Samaritan's Purse spend more gov't monies on "evangelising" than actual aid in disaster relief?

Why has the Jerry Lewis telethon raised over 2 billion dollars for muscular dystrophy yet nothing has been accomplished with that money??

Where can I get a black cloth satchel?

Basically what stores to they sell black satchels that are made of cloth, not leather. Or even where can I get a purse thats not to big and not too small that's black or grey that you can adjust the strap to where it can be a shoulder bag or more like a satchel?

Is he trying to make me jealous? :S?

It could be that he is trying to make you jealous. I think "A" might have a hand in all this..... Just give it a bit more time and you will see his true intentions

How are the search checks on cruises?

Im taking personal hygenic items that would be nice if my parents didnt see to avoid embarassment.I wanted to know if security will like open my box where i have my "stuff" and check,or like be like "whats that" im not sure if they will do a hand search and like go through the small crayon box i have of my "stuff".Someone please help.Should i just put it in my purse in the zipper part? thanks

My fellow music lovers, let us all unite in this Yahoo! Answers question?

Not really in context but you might like my band. Some of the bands you mentioned (MGMT, Empire of the Sun, etc) do songs that we covers sometimes. We have an album coming out soon, check us out. Http:// I hope that's not considered spam :/ Good list though!

Does anyone know about an incubus? I may have had a experience?

You were experiencing sleep hallucination paralysis. I suffer from this and it makes you hallucinate hearing/seeing and feeling things that are not there or real. Next time it happens and you want it to stop, then just focus on your breathing and try to breath real heavy. This sends a signal to your brain that your body is waking up and then you are able to come out of sleep paralysis.

What if a woman had sex with a man and then the woman claims he raped her? Would he go to jail?

So this is a question I am just wondering, I know it’s kind of silly but anyways. Lets say a boyfriend and girlfriend or a husband and wife had sex, they both including the woman willingly had sex but then the woman went to the police and claimed that the man she had sex with raped her (maybe she want to sue or stuff like that) and she didn’t want to have sex with him. What would happen in this case? What determines if it was a rape or not? How can the man show that the woman is lying?

Where can you buy authentic Coach purses in Orange County, CA at discounted prices?

I really want a Coach purse but don't want to pay full price, I'm not cheap they are just expensive. Any suggestions instead of going to the Coach store or Macy's, etc?

What are some good country music songs/artists for a rock fan?

I've been branching out a bit lately. I've really been just a rock fan my whole life- everything from The Beatles to Led Zeppelin to Bon Jovi to Social Distortion to Nirvana to Linkin Park to Incubus get the point. I'm just trying to dip into some country music and I'm looking for suggestions. 10 points up for grabs, thanks in advance.

What happens when a grand parent files for guardianship of a child?

our daughter has primary custody of our grand baby. she got herself strung out on drugs and of course, could no longer parent. the biological dad has been gone, by choice for 3 years, no child support. the cyfd placed the baby with us. we had a family meeting on thursday and the MIA dad and his whole family showed up at this meeting. like i said, he owes over 20k in child support and just chose to stay away... he too use to have a drug problem. they went to the meeting in hopes that the cyfd would place the baby with them, but that didn't happen. we got an attorney and he was served the very next day. my daughter signed willingly, cause she's the primary custodian.she was served in rehab. what will the biological dad have to do now? we have helped raise this child and when it was evident that my daughter was drifting off into the abyss, she left her with us.the biological dad has never sent the baby a b-day card, christmas card, no gifts, no child support... my question is, does he have to respond, or can he just let it ride if he desires? thank you so much.

Does a purse count as a carry-on bag for greyhound?

Call the greyhound station. In a multi state trip my backpack was a carry on. When I went 70 miles it was not a carry on

Who Kidnapped John Wembly?

Arnie Acker, how would he know the sweater would make them suspicious? (Unless they mentioned it to him? which I don't think this specifies.) So I think it's him.

Why everytime I use google does it redirect me to a random page?

Like if i look up pokemon then click on one of the results it redirects me to random stuff like purse ads or tanning salon stuff.

A good non clich� alternative graduation song?

I need to pick a song for my graduation slideshow but not some clich� stupid song that's been used a billion times, I want something like alternative rock, along the lines of Nice to know you-incubus, something with meaning not really sad. I have no idea what to use plz help!

Lesser or Greater Demons?

Succubi and incubus are demons(Fallen Angels)... And remember that Satan was once one of the most powerful angels in existences..... So lessor or greater is not the correct way to view fallen angels...... And remember that Satan is able to create a demonic source that was never an angel in the first place and you can see all of Satan creatures as lessor or greater..........

Do you think that I am crazy?!?

Noo :) i think u just want someone to comfort you i wish i could do that it would male me feel alot better :/ i think its good but u can look at the other answers to make sure

How can My wife and I adopt My sister in-laws child?

My sister in-law lives in Chicago. Me and my wife live in Las Vegas. She wants us to take her 7 yr. old Daughter and we want her. We can provide her with a better life. She is willingly giving up the child doesn't want her anymore. Does anyone know if there is a fast way to adopt her? Or what steps need to be started to get the ball rolling?

First offense class A Misdemeanor (state of Missouri)?

I was booked for attempted blackmail (although it was a prank, my ex, toward whom this prank was directed, did not seem to think so, and so she called the police on me). Anyway, I went willingly down to the police station, gave a willing statement, cooperated fully with the officers, and said I was plead guilty to being really stupid and putting this girl through the ordeal. I have never been arrested, never been involved in ANY crime whatsoever up until this point. My court date is in a month. I'm just wondering if I will get jail time. My arresting officer told me I did not need a lawyer. So I don't know...

Does anyone know when the next incubus concert is?

i really want to see incubus. its my favorite band of all time and i really want to know when the next concert is. thanks!

What do you have to say about this dream?

I think you really want to be able to "be yourself" completely at school but are worried about what others will think. You think that if you dress or express yourself too much you won't fit in and everyone will think you are strange. Hope this helps! :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Was killing Osama Bin Laden the right and only just solution?

It would have been preferable to try him, but the USA didn't get the chance to. Incidentally, the archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams agrees with your opinion.

Need a guys perspective, why did he lose interest and how to get it back?

How do I get him interested again and what went wrong? I've been casually dating someone for about six mounts. I haven't had sex with him yet. Were both pretty laid back and not very intimate (emotional wise). In the past he's been pursing me but recently he seams less interested; hasn't been talking to me, putting effort or trying to hang out. He hasn't been texting me, which is odd since we rarely go more then a day without talking and he's always the one to initiate the conversation. The change was pretty sudden and Im confused what turned him off or how to get him interested again. Lately he's been hitting me up to hook up more and I've been the one arranging our hang outs which have been pretty casual. The only reasons i can assumed that could have caused this is the fact i'm not into just hooking up, we haven't done anything exciting together recently, he perceived my asking to hang out as clingy, he's wrapped up with his friends right now or something he got to know about me turned him off (i can be somewhat insecure and ditzy but i try to hide it). What could have caused this and what are some good ways to gain his interest again? Sexy facebook pictures? Hang out with other guys? Ignore his texts (We communicate mostly over text but i'm not sure how to get his attention by doing this when he's rarely

Why do so many men willingly remain in the Friend Zone?

Do they not realize what a woman has told them is, "You're OK and all, but you're definitely not dating material. The thought of sex with you makes me want to vomit. One day some woman who is less attractive and with less options than me will have to settle for a guy like you. But, you're reasonably smart and funny and want you there to boost my ego when the latest hot guy I met at the bar cheats on me."

Attach a kisslock frame to the purse?

I can't seem to find any vids or tutorials on how to best accomplish finishing a kiss lock frame purse. wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction? please and thank you

What are some really good slow love songs?

Well, Everybody seems to like that song motivation by kelly rowland (i think thats who u sell her last name) And its's old but i guess with you by chris brown. Also Innocence by Avril Lavigne (you may or may not know who she is...and The Only Exseption by Hayley Williams from that band Paramore.

Dresses, shoes, and purses for a Japanese themed sweet 16?

Look up Japanese street style. Basically, they dress crazy and mitchmatchy. Do you have a cute graphic tee with maybe a cartoon character? Then pair something like that with a colorful skirt, stockings, and heels :)

Is this real or fake Guess purse?

ohhh, How could be guess purse so cheap like this? Since there have many vendors selling items on eBay, I think it would be better to check all the reviews before any move or directly buy with top seller that should be good reputation. I don't think it would be the original guess purse as its unbeliveable price.

New Jersey vs. T.L.O. 4th Amendment?

Read the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Using the words of the Amendment, try to make an argument that the search of T.L.O.'s purse was a violation of her Fourth Amendment rights.

Left my purse in San Antonio, how do I get it back?

So while on a trip from Larado to my home in Fort Worth, TX I left my purse in San Antonio. How can I get it back to my home in Fort Worth? How do I get Fedex or UPS to pick it up? And how much does it cost usually? Thank you for any answers.

A woman willingly had sex with a man and then claimed he raped, What would happen?

Well it's not exactly proof, but the woman would have a medical exam soon after it happened which would attempt to find injuries consistant with rape. Other than that I'm not too sure.

Middle school help!!?

Do girls carry backpacks or purse'sor both ?????? What do i do im 12 and going On to 7th grade what should i carry?????

People are selfish, why don't they just give me money instead?

People are selfish yes. You are all over the place, yes. As to why we are selfish...that's a very complex question that I could write novels about. Yet at the same time it is very simple. The most simple answer is that it is human nature. It's all just yin and yang. The sun sets but tomorrow it will rise again. Some people are selfish and some are selfless. Some are good and some are bad. That is how the universe balances itself.

Would you play fill in the blanks, please?

Anybody who would willingly and regularly go nude in public if public nudity were legalized is _______.

A alternative to sticks?

My dog at home LOVES to play with sticks. In the back yard, it's the only thing that will make him willingly run on his own. The problem is, once he has the stick, he likes to eat the pieces he can bite off. Is there any alternative toy that's similar to a stick that isn't bad for him?

I though she was my friend please read?

I knew this girl for 15 years we were best friends or so i thought. she recently had me arrested and told the cops that i stole $790 cash out of her purse and that she had seen me do it. but if she seen me do it like she says why didn't she try and stop me can someone please tell me if this is really going to hold up in court she says she has a witness to me being there but thats it

How to tell the bestfriend of the same gender that i wana have sex with him in term of romance. i loved him?

Im in love madly with my bestfriend. I have told him previously that i loved him not only in terms of frenship wise but more than that. I told him that im atracted and i guess i might b bisexual coz i do love a gal n same time my oni bestfriend. He is my 7year bestfriend and i dont wish to be unsincere with him.I told him so that i wont cheat him in our relation. And he took it casually. But wen days goes by after 1 year, im desperately wanted to have romance with him. How am i suppose to day willingly from him? Im geting metally ill coz that. I called him let go out for one night & get drank but he said at first ok but later on he said letz have a geng to go with. Im so cluelesss. Any idea hw? He seems to be a straight guy but i dont know he might be hiding from me.....

This question is for Christians and Jews though most Jews have probably seen this?

Interestig concept. There is a weakness to being all "good;" it takes away discernment of evil. If you have all faith in the words and actions of others to be good, cause you are good, it leaves one open to consequences of deception. If, however, one is all evil, the same is true: he has no faith in the words or actions or purposes of those who do good. He sees the world through his own perception and how he is. Having knowledge of good and evil gives us a balanced judgment upon ourselves and others. When evil is done away with, those who choose to be righteous will be able to much more righteous, loving, trusting, and faithful without fear of evil taking advantage of it.

What is this type of edging called?

I've noticed that, to finish off the edges of vinyl on purses, they use a rubbery substance. Ladies, if you look at the zipper pull on one of your purses, what I'm talking about is around the edge, where the two pieces of vinyl/leather come together. I need this for a craft I'm doing. . . does anyone know what it's called or where I can buy it?

House Was Broken Into For The Second Time, Do You Think They Will Try Again?

Someone obviously knows they are very capable of breaking into your house. I think you should change the locks maybe, hide the spare key( if you've got one) in a VERY difficult place, get a dog, or security system. The guy who robbed you could inform other people and you'd be toast. I think you need to take action right away, A.S.A.P., just so it can't happen again. Good Luck!!!!

Need to find some new good bands?

String Theory, Howling Bells, The Horrors, the new Razor Light, Yuk. these are all ''newish'' bands i found in the music mag, Q. enjoy.

Confused by TSA rules. What can you pack in your luggage?

If they are not a carry on and you check them then it should be fine. I don't think they will take anything away. They only have to be 3 oz or less if it is a carry on.

I want to ride roller coasters so bad but I can't!!!?

Okay, well me and a couple fellow highschoolers are going to an amusement park and I have a fear of roller coasters. There are a lot of cute girls and I don't want to have to be the designated purse holder for the day. I would actually like to ride some rides, but how do I do that! How do I get over this fear?