Sunday, July 17, 2011

On what grounds can a police officer detain you and take your personal possesions?

The other day I had a very big party. The noise was not loud but there was cars lined up all down the street. I saw police cars comming down the road and I told everyone to be quiet or leave. When the police officers stopped in front of my house I went to confront them. They policve officer got out of his car and asked me what my name was, and i told him. then he started walking on my property gesturiong toward the house like i was supposed to follow him. I said hold on and started asking them questions like why they were there and how come. They immediately detained me while i was still on my property. They asked if i had anything sharp on me and i said no and they patted me down and reached into my pocket and took my phone out of my pocket. They would not answer any of my questions except they got an anonymous phone call saying that there were minors drinking at my house. They put me in the back of the car and put my phone in the dash of the car. I asked them to give it back so i could call me dad or attourny but they wouldnt. i sat in the back of the car for about 30 min while they went around my house trying to find evidence, which they did. They caught minors trying to leave who had been drinking. When they came back they told me that either i could let them in and everyone underage would get minors and i would get a social host, or that they would get warrent and everyone under 21 would get minors and i would get a social host. They again I asked them and what grounds could they get a warrents and they told me about the kids they had caught. he proceeded to threaten me by saying "if you make me wake up a judge at this time you will sit in the back of the car while i break all of your doors in. I said that if they got a warrent i would willingly let them in, but they said they would just keep me there wile they did it. Is any/all of this legal/illegal?

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