Thursday, July 21, 2011

Can a judge in texas order marriage counseling before granting a divorce?

the only way for you to find out is by asking a lawyer or you can try I think that is the website. anyway, he sounds very frustrated and is not being a mature about it. a baby is on the way and no man should ever put divorce on the table while a woman in pregnant. if he care for your unborn child he would wait for if the mother is stressed and hurt, that can hurt the baby. dont sress over him during the pregnancy, ignore him and focus on you and your kids. You DO however have to implement discipline on your kids. YOU are the parent, not the kids. You need to set rules, structure and order. THat is your job and you cannot say the kids are bad....they are kids and obviously something is not right if they are acting up. Put your foot down with them and focus on your pregnancy. If chooses to be a jerk, then let him until your baby is born. Your better than that.

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