Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sick Two Week Old Baby Bunny!?

Yesterday night, (about 6:00PM) I was leaving the house started going down the drive and I found a baby bunny wobbling around in a circle. So I stopped and picked him up. Went and bought her some goats milk and a bottle. She was nuzzling my hand like she was hungry, digging and suckling my finger, (Obviously, momma rabbit had not return to the nest to feed her baby until after the time I had picked her up) But I could not find her nest anywhere. I am thinking either she was moving them and got startled and dropped her or she just accidentally wandered out of the nest. Her eyes are almost open/halfway open. She has her fur. Now, she will not eat willingly I have been forcing a few drops down. Tried last night and then figured I'd try again tomorrow, same story. I am terrified she will die. I know bunnies are very hard to keep alive that young. I just do not know what to do. On top of all that she might have a cold. She has been sneezing and I think grinding her teeth? or wheezing? I am not sure what the noise is but most likely its one of those. What can I do to make her more comfortable?

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