Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Do I have a demon following me?

I've been mad. Very mad. At everyone. It seems like my knuckles are always bruised for punching things. In the past week, it's been bad. I screamed at my mom and step dad last night. Some of the things I said surprised even me as I said them. The fight started because my mom overheard me talking bad about her to a friend . The bad part is, I knew she was listening, so I said the things that I knew would upset her the most. I was so consumed by anger it was like it wasn't even me. I was in no controll of my body. My vision was distorted, my breathing rapid. I've never felt like that in my entire life. It was everything I could do not to hit her. Also, I used to be a Christian. But I hate church now. Everyones happiness makes me mad. But it's wierd because if someone is happy because they're planning on doing something bad, I'm happy. But the people at church... There happiness makes me so angry. I have no thoughts of suicide or murder but sometimes, I just want to beat the hell out of everybody. Also, I drink. I'm only 14, but I feel myself becoming addicted to alcohol. I want it when things are rough. And I'm starting to want to try weed and Lora tabs. Other drugs still sound like a bad idea, but I'm really considering these. I just want to know if this could be a demon. I'd so, what demon? Like what kind? Not an incubus because the sexual stuff isnt wierd. Can somebody please help me?

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