Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What is the meaning of meaning?

So you are asking if things have meaning, or whether meaning is something we attribute to things, while it really has more to do with us than the thing we attribute it too. Huh. I would say stuff is meaningless without some kind of observer. However, just because we create meaning doesn't mean it isn't substantial. Besides, we're special. Humans are more than just pink squishy computers riding in two legged mammals. We have feelings and intelligence at the same time, and that separates us from animals and computers. Well, at least I do. (I can't prove you do lol!) Anyway, saying that meaning is just electric signals in a brain is like saying people are just electric signals in a brain, that's why I got all into us being special. Some people do actually argue that people are just electric signals. I think those people forgot that they are also people.

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