Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My friends pony wont go in water?

dont worry, your friends horse couldn't be much more avrage. I know MANY more horses that will do almost anything not to have to cross water (even if its an inch or so deep) than those who willingly go in it. The key, I have learned, is repitition and patience. your best friend and her pony will have the best chances of success if she can get out there and work with the pony several times a week. Make sure you have inspected the area you are working in well- the last thing you want is to get the pony in the water willingly and have her step on a rock and then be scared about it again. it often helps if you can sort of flood an area... big enough where its a bit too big for her to jump but not deeper than a few inches. it is best if it is somewhere she walks daily (say near a gate or something of that sort.) when the mare makes even the smallest attempt (even if its jumping over the water or putting one foot in) reward her. Horses learn best by pressure and release, and consistancy/repitition. If done properly, your friend's mare will figure out the deal quite quickly (You may need an adult, professional, or instructor to help you work with the mare correctly.) and you could both be going through shallow streams or small rivers in no time!

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